Got a Bed
As I mentioned in a previous post, we'll be moving to an apartment soon. We already started looking around for beds and today we checked out a few more places. We also to had come up with a decision since most of the promotions and discounts would end today. As mentioned before, we were interested in what Sears had so that was our first stop. We also checked out Nolan's Home Furnishing which was also in the area. I didn't mention this before, but the salespeople always tell us to lie on the bed to get a good feel for it. Some even encourage us to doze off and they would just wake us up if we slept too long. We were initially hesitant to do this probably because in the Philippines, they had all these "do not sit" signs on beds and chairs. Eventually though, we embraced this practice and were "test-lying" all the beds within our budget (and even some that weren't). However, I personally couldn't tell the difference between the soft beds so I let Mean do most of the deciding on what bed to get. My only job was to say "that's too expensive" or "let's not even bother".
Another thing we had to do was find out just how much money would we eventually spend and the payment options available for each bed. This isn't just looking at the price tag since some stores have a bunch of extra charges like taxes, delivery, administration fees, etc. On the other hand, there are also discounts and rebates. So we returned to stores we already visited to clear this up.
We narrowed down our choices to:
A bed in Sears which Mean really liked
An expensive bed at The Brick which had $800 off
A popular bed at Sleep Country
They all were in the same price range. The following became the deciding points:
Sears - no taxes, free bed frame, free delivery. Mean really liked it.
Brick - initially we though it had a free bed frame and no taxes but as it turns out, it didn't. That put it out of the running.
Sleep Country - Free delivery. $300 rebate. We didn't expect the rebate to be that big. This is what we got.
I'm pretty happy with our new bed. I was never really particular about beds so this is probably the best quality one I'll ever sleep on (at least for those I slept on long-ter,m). Mean really liked the Sears one but the rebate made it a no-brainer. The gap in price was so much bigger than the gap in comfort (which was negligible).
So that probably takes care of one of the most, if not the most, important requirement for moving to an apartment. There's still a lot of things to be done though. At least we won't sleep on the floor.